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Contact Us

We're based on the Front Range of Colorado. If you want to contact us with questions or comments, please send an email to Alternatively, you can reach us at

Western States Minerals, LLC

PO Box 5443

Englewood, CO 80155

Privacy Policy

We don't store any credit card information. All credit card processing is done with 3rd party vendors (slide, We never see or store your credit card information. A copy of your postal/mailing information is kept for inventory/internal tracking purposes only.

We will never sell or provide your mailing address to any 3rd party without your consent.

Cancellation/Return Policy

You can cancel your order at no charge within 24 hrs of your purchase. After that period, we will have shipped your product and you can no longer cancel the order. To cancel your order, please send an email to and include your order number.

There is no return policy. 

The allure of this yellow metal called gold has been the quest for many over the millennia. However, few succeed in the search for this elusive metal. Gold was discovered in Colorado by Native Americans and fur trappers who inhabited the Rocky Mountain region. The first documented discovery of gold in Colorado was along the Front Range by the Russell mining party, returning from the California gold
rush in 1858. Like you,our adventure started with a gold pan and the quest for riches.

We found what we were searching for. Now you can too.

Genuine placer gold, from our mine to you.

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